fizeau interferometer
- 网络斐索干涉仪;菲佐干涉仪

Fiber Fizeau Interferometer for Measurement of Micro - Movement
The wavelength-tuned anti-vibration technology for the Φ 600mm wavelength-tuned phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer is researched in this paper .
Analysis of principle of wind velocity measurement with Fizeau interferometer
Discrimination of Doppler Frequency Shift Based on Fizeau Interferometer and PMT Array
A Method to Reduce Influence of Multi-Beam Interference in Sinusoidal Phase Modulation Fizeau Interferometer
Influence of the Length of SFL on the Measurement of Shape of Fizeau Interferometer
Part-Compensating Lens designing of Aspheric Surface Testing in Fizeau interferometer
Experimental research on low-coherence polarization phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer
The method error of gravity method and the measurement error due to system shot noise in wind lidar based on Fizeau interferometer are analyzed in detail .
A generalized formulation of the signal on each channel for a wind lidar based on Fizeau interferometer and CCD is derived ;
A generalized formulation of signal on each pixel for a wind detection lidar based on Fizeau interferometer and CCD is derived .
A method of discriminating Doppler shift using Fizeau interferometer and linear PMT array for a direct - detection wind Doppler lidar is proposed .
The output optical intensity of interferometer was modulated when ultrasonic wave signal passing through the sensing gange of the Fizeau interferometer .
A fiber Fizeau interferometer for measurement of micro-vibration of MEMS devices is presented , which is simple in configuration and easy to operate .
In order to obtain the absolute surface distributions , a novel method is presented to achieve the absolute flatness measurement based on two flats in the Fizeau interferometer .
A wind direct-detection Doppler lidar system for planetary boundary layer wind measurement utilizing the fringe image technique combined of a multi-beam Fizeau interferometer and a CCD detector is proposed .
Based on the basic principle of multiple-beam interference , an intensity distribution formula of the multiple-beam interference is derived for measuring the diameter of single crystal silicon sphere by Fizeau interferometer .
Experiments show that its sensitivity is 1 ~ 2 times higher than the conventional Fizeau interferometer for testing the polished uncoated optical elements , 7 ~ 9 times for high reflective coated sufaces .
Applying the low coherence technology , we proposed a novel type of interferometer , which can be regarded as the combination of unbalanced Michelson interferometer and Fizeau interferometer . And the detection scheme is archived by scanning the static and dynamic optical paths .
In order to measure wind speed in boundary layer , a direct-detection Doppler wind lidar system based on Muli-beam Fizeau interferometer and CCD detector is proposed . The optical properties of Fizeau interferometer are analyzed . Some parameters degrading interferometer spectrum and resolving power are presented .
It uses Fizeau type interferometer with a degree field of view .
Application of Fizeau Fiber Interferometer in Ultrasonic Measure
On propagation characteristic of material surface wave in laser ultrasonic , Fizeau fiber interferometer system which implements measure of SAW on YAG laser is researched .
The displacement sensor was realized on basis of a double channel optical fiber Fizeau type interferometer , which consists of laser diode ( LD ), optical isolator , optical fiber directional coupler , self focusing lens and etc.
Fizeau phase-shifting laser interferometer has been publicly recognized as an optical measurement instrument with high precision and high sensitivity , which is an indispensable tool for high-precision optical testing .
It is very significant in practical engineering . Firstly , the article summarized the present development situation of the fizeau phase-shifting laser interferometer , and presented a design of 100 mm fizeau phase-shifting laser interferometer based on the principle of fizeau phase-shifting interferometry .